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Why your “About Us” page says everything that’s wrong with your communications.

communication Jun 08, 2021

Here’s the #1 reason your presentation, pitch or blog isn’t getting through to your audience.

I really am great.

I’m fascinating. And smart. And creative. Oh…and energetic.

I’m also lucky if you’ve read this far…because I’ve just made the cardinal mistake in communications. The problem is, there’s a very good chance you’re making it too.

The first two lines of the blog? That’s how we all communicate on our websites, through our social media and in our pitches. Think about the first minute of any presentation you give – you probably introduce yourself, mention your background and talk about your experience. 

Here’s the problem…your audience doesn’t really care about you. What they care about is how you are valuable and relevant to them. I tend to coach this as “your audience wants to know how are you the wind beneath their wings.” 

"I’d prefer to see an “About You” page…one that shows how the agency makes you greater."

Our “About Us” problem – it’s not really supposed to be About Us.
Your website’s “About Us” page is the stereotypical offender here. That fact that it’s even called “About Us” is problematic, but I get that it’s a pithy thing that search engines love. The problem isn’t with the existence of the page…it’s what you say on that page. I see top tier communications, advertising and PR go on and on (and on) about how great they are, how they hire the best people and how they do the most innovative projects.

I’d prefer to see an “About You” page … one that shows how the agency makes you greater, how the best people can enable you and how the most innovative projects pays off for you.

Selling the benefit has always been an integral part of persuading an audience to hear your message. It’s taken on greater importance in our pandemic-fueled, time starved lives. I need you to bring me the context, tailor the message and be both relevant and meaningful. 

Your amazingly simple solution – one lens to rule them all.
When you don’t put your audience at the centre of a communication, they don’t connect with it. If they don’t connect with it, they don’t absorb or activate it. On the flipside, if you read this and see that it’s going to MAKE YOU BETTER RIGHT NOW, you’ll engage.

To ensure your audience and their needs are at the centre of your content, you need on simple tool. When you finish writing something, ask “will my audience find this useful 

That’s it.

In fact, I did that with this very post. It was originally around 700 words. There were no subheads. And it didn’t have a lot of personal pronouns to speak directly to…you. I wrote the first draft in no time flat, then went back and said, “why won’t my audience find this useful?” My answers – too long, not scannable, doesn’t speak directly to me. Then I retooled it.

It’s not “About Us.” It’s “About You” – an idea that you already knew because YOU really are great. And fascinating. And smart. And creative. Oh…and energetic.

Your goal – use empathy to be relevant and meaningful so that your message gets across.

- Jason