Let's connect!


  • 1:1 coaching with a leading professor
  • Rethinking what an acceptance speech can look like
  • Multiple sessions focus on audience, structure, engagement, and performance



The Mirth Of MIRV

“I’d like to thank the following people…zzz…”

One of the biggest challenges with awards acceptance speeches is that they leave out the most important part of any presentation.

The audience.


Deliver a powerful, meaningful acceptance presentation.

Leaving out the audience was on the mind of a University Professor in the field of nutrition who was both accepting an award and sharing some of the research that garnered her that award in the first place.

“How can I keep people paying attention?”

It turns out that there’s an initialism for that.



Over the course of three coaching sessions, Jason and the nutrition Professor focused on what was most important to the audience.

This approach to hyper-empathy is a staple of many SUGR presentation and pitch coaching programs.

“Focus on MIRV – Meaningful. Interesting. Relevant. And valuable. If you can consistently be these things for the audience, you can drive engagement.”

Meaningful meant sharing stories and perspectives that the audience was familiar with.

Interesting relied on more true storytelling that created an emotional connection.

Relevant challenged the speaker to use more personal pronouns and processes they could use in real life.

Valuable meant empowering the audience with the content, providing everything from surprising insights to specific menus, recipes and steps the audience could share with others.

All of that came out during coaching that worked like a personal keynote wrapped in landmark ideation. Ideas bulked up a traditionally boring presentation into something memorable.


Confidence + attention + more effective all-round communications.

Not only did the University Professor deliver a compelling presentation, the coaching gave her a formula to improve all of her communications.

Jason’s 5-step process allowed me to create presentations that were more engaging, effective and fun to deliver! Step 2, in particular, revolutionized the way I structure my communications. Getting clear on what my audience wants allows me to create communications that directly meet my audience where they are and facilitate their connection to the content.”


Looking for a great keynote speaker for your next event? Contact us today.